I wish everyone could get to know Evelyn and Erik. Evelyn is an old friend, who I met in my very first job out of college. A few years ago she moved to Moab, Utah to work with the National Park Service at Arches and Canyonlands, where she met Erik. They’ve since moved back to Virginia, but divine providence made a way for me to take their engagement photos in the landscape where they first fell in love before they left. In fact, providence was all over this shoot – I caught wind that they wanted me to take their engagement photos as I was being dropped off at the airport to fly out to them (without my camera!), but Evelyn had a Nikon D3200 on hand that she let me use for their shoot. I’m really grateful that I got a chance to capture their love in a place they love most.

Location: Canyonlands National Park

Ellie DuHadway